Why I’ll Never Be A “How To” Blogger.

I love “how to” blogs.

Just the other day I learned how to reuse my plug-in air fresheners thanks to Pinterest and a “how to” blogger.

But when it comes to my writing, it will never be a “how to”. 

We need less “How to’s” when it comes to life and more “this is how it’s going for me’s” and “let me just sit with you in this pain” . I know full well that I have very little advice to give as I stumble through life just the same as every one of us. My only hope as a writer is that when I write about the things I walk through, someone else’s soul can rest in the peace that they are not alone.

I am still working on sharing all of the nitty gritty…

Even as I write, there are five or so drafts sitting in my blog folder, just waiting for my courage to finish and then publish them.

Ever since I was a little girl, writing has been my favorite way to reach people. As a young teenager, my mom and I wrote letters back and forth in a notebook when we couldn’t quite get along. When I finally went to boarding school, I wrote letters every waking moment, sharing my life with the people I loved back home.

There’s just something about writing.

For me, the journey of writing is about sharing my life in the hopes that other people who feel the same way can take a great big sigh of relief and know that they are not alone.

You are not alone. Many of us feel the same things every day, over and over, and feel like we’re the only people who have ever felt that feeling or carried that burden. There’s always someone else out there who is feeling or has felt the same exact thing as us.

There is so much beauty in sharing life with each other. It’s not a competition. It’s not a race to the finish line. It’s a journey that we are on together. 



image courtesy of http://holleygerth.com/free-words/

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